Practical Info: Mozambique

As of August 2019:

Being regular visitors to Mozambique we didn’t need to do much research but below is a couple of recommendations for research or staying:

General information: DriveMoz group on Facebook. You need to wade through a lot of repeat questions but the group does often have useful info on road conditions and relevant issues such as that.

Border post / roads: Giriyondo in Kruger National Park. Wouldn’t recommend unless wanting to spend time in Kruger or coming from/going to that part of South Africa. You are required to spend at least one night in Kruger or the Trans frontier park in order to use this border post and in addition there are transit fees of R550 to be paid. In addition the road was horribly corrugated.


Chidenguele: Sunset beach. For us always a good go-to spot as this first night after entering from South Africa. Grassy campsites, own ablution. Big deck overlooking ocean.

Inhassoro: Goody Villas. It is listed on IOverlander. Lovely grassy campsites, very well run with great seafront views