Captain(s) Log: March 2020

1 March

Thoroughly enjoyed our day on the beach at Swakopmund, one thing is clear we like to be near the ocean.

3 March

So over the desert! Hot baking winds, lots of dust, chapped lips and watering eyes all afternoon – that’s just while stationary.  Add to that corrugations for hundreds of kilometres and hordes of rental 4×4 drivers who seem to think they are on the Dakar so approach towards you with zero consideration for the dust they are spewing out or stones they are flicking onto your windscreen – bliksem!  In fairness it is not all rental drivers who behave this way but certainly many do.

5 March

A better couple of days, slightly less trafficked and corrugated roads although somebody did get into trouble for breaking the eggs during this morning’s drive.  Naturally that had nothing to do with the corrugations…

9 March

Long day but got service done and found/replaced a broken engine mount.  Of concern is why this broke with relatively low mileage on – going to have to monitor this

12 March

Super duper easy border crossing from Namibia but as we joked: it’s almost like changing provinces.  Did of course get our first feel of the global corona fear as we had to have our temps measured at the border BUT no different to having it done for Ebola in Uganda and Rwanda

14 March

What a great day, west coast played along nicely today: no wind & sunshine.  Cold white wine while lying on the beach was exactly what the doctor ordered.

17 March

Catching up on expenses and feel rather gloomy, last few months have been more expensive than would like (higher mileage and more expensive camping).  The feeling is not helped by the current meltdown in global markets thanks to Corona virus pandemonium.

20 March

Feels very strange to know we heading into the city tomorrow and will be there for a while, have got so used to this nomadic lifestyle. 

22 March

Glad to have made to Cape Town when we did and to be in our home country, reading with horror how many overlanders are facing uncertainty and often having no place to stay as the world shuts down and often doesn’t want foreigners staying.  Overlanders are being chased out of towns and campsites in South America even though they have nowhere to go!

23 March

10 days ago, sitting in remote locations we couldn’t help but feel the Corona virus pandemonium was being blown totally out of proportion however today with the announcement of a 21 day lockdown for South Africa we are so glad to have Cyril as president and fully support the drastic measures he is implementing.  How the tide has turned for the country and for our own emotions.

24 March

4 days since we arrived in “civilisation” and we have pretty much been in self-imposed lockdown since then.  Was thinking of going for a ride on Harley this afternoon but it doesn’t feel right to be galivanting around 2 days before official lockdown.

25 March

Went to the shops today to buy wine due to the ban on alcohol sales for next 21 days, it is rather ironic that a measure intended to lower alcohol related incidents during this period potentially increased the risk of Covid-19 infection as everyone rushed to stock up. BIG LESSON of the day: Constantia residents, despite being in the heart of wine country, are not above scrambling to stock up on well-priced Odd-Bins wine.

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