Captain(s) Log: January 2021

4 January:  What a great day, no wind, lots of sunshine plus 2 great surf sessions in the mornings and afternoon.  After the last few days of rain and wind this was a great start to the new year.

8 January:  Another great day, almost too hot but no wind and perfect surf conditions.  Surfed in the morning and again in the afternoon despite very tired arms and this afternoon was just awesome, only 5 of us in the water and got visited by a pod of dolphins for probably 30 minutes.  They were often as close as 2 metres and with absolutely crystal-clear water we could also see them swimming under the boards, just awesome!!!!!

9 January: The ultimate in contrasts, today was a day of huge winds. It was really nice to have the communal area of the backpacker to hunker down in and read away the day and even better to be able to escape to Mr Jones for the evening and be able to cook and eat “Inside”.  Once again confirmation that the roof conversion and our internal setup was one of the best things we have done.

11 January: Going to be a long few days it would seem, the grey and drizzle has moved in.  What happened to summer in SA?

14 January:  Had a wonderful few days of good weather, super clean water and pretty decent surf conditions.

17 January: Caught between a rock and a hard place..  For the last week or so we have both been feeling the need for a change of scenery but on the other hand we are not looking forward to venturing back into the real world and mask wearing – we haven’t worn a mask in 26 days and its been great!  

18 January: It would appear nobody is happy about heading back into “civilization”!  Auxiliary battery was flat this morning, iPod didn’t want to connect to radio, kitchen draw locks weren’t holding as we drove away so draws kept opening and the GPS orientation turned upside down plus wanted to route us all the way around Lesotho to get to East London. EISH!!! 

19 January: Yikes yesterday was a long day, after 4,5 hours driving and an afternoon of shopping we were shattered.  Tested the auxiliary battery overnight with no power input and it is most definitely FUBAR, what a pain and another maintenance expense !

23 January:  What a hard day on the road, 45 degrees inside the car, longish roads and Stuart running a fever.  It’s not often he gives up the driving role.

25 January: Last few days we have had to face up the possibility that Stuart may have Covid and possibly taking an AirBnB to isolate & recuperate.  He has been running a fever on and off combined with lots of aches and pains. In the end we decided to stay remote, give it another day or two to see if any other symptoms appear and then this afternoon he complained of a swollen groin and upon further inspection we found a dark spot between his toes SO holding thumbs that it is just tickbite fever!

29 January: Despite being on Doxycycline for the tickbite fever Stuart foot has continued to swell and be painful, eventually we called it quits and went to the local doctor.  Now he is also on Augmentin for a soft tissue infection, he who never takes any medicine is now on two separate batches.  Thankfully we are staying with Andrew & Candice so have a room and bed to spend the day on with the foot elevated.

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