Cost of Living

When we were planning for this stage of our life it was extremely difficult to know what kind of costs we could expect to incur and similarly when we browse various online forums the question arises amongst people planning a trip: “What can I expect a similar trip to cost me ?”. The generic answers received on these forums are usually along the lines of “xxUSD per day or xxxxUSD per month”, which while it may often average out for most people at that the reality is each persons means and pace of travel is different as is there eating and drinking habits.

In a humble attempt to offer an alternative view, we have decided to create a list of a “basket” of items which travellers may or may not purchase during their trip and which they can perhaps use to compare to their “home country” prices and from this get an indication whether travel will be more or less expensive than in their own country. ( Unfortunately we did not think to do this for our Africa leg). We have not included entertainment aspects such as meals out because one persons average meal out could be another persons fancy one.

Naturally the data can never be 100% comprehensive or accurate, as it is not dynamic and cannot fully factor in aspects such as inflation and exchange rate movements. We do convert it to USD based on the exchange rate applicable at the time of travel to try and show everything in a “hard” currency.

Below are links to the analysis per country: