Practical Information: Brazil

Cellphones & Data coverage

  • Obtaining a local SIM (known as a chip and pronounce “cheeep” card in Brazil is easy can be purchased at most fuel station convenience stores.
  • However registering this cheeep for use can be quite a challenge as the standard process requires a “CPF” number (local tax number/ID number). In theory it is possible to register the card with your passport but not many travellers report success using this method and we certainly were not successful on our first visit in April 2022.
  • For our second time in Brazil we applied for a CPF number as a foreigner. This can be done online and before entering the country, we received the number roughly 14 days later. The CPF number is a tax identification number but from the research we did, provided a foreigner does not overstay their allowed visa period there should be no risk of incurring tax liabilities in Brazil.
  • CPF online link (valid September 2023):

Visa Periods

  • Most nationalities will automatically receive a 90 day visa period on arrival
  • For certain nationalities this can then be extended by a further 90 days, which as South Africans we are fortunate to qualify for. The procedure (applicable June 2022) to apply for this extension is listed below:
  • complete the online application

  • Once the online application is complete you will be issued an invoice which needs to be printed and taken to a bank for payment. We did this at Banco Brazil and the fee was R$110. The bank will issue you with a receipt.
  • you must make photocopies of your passport (both the main page with picture, etc and the page with your original entry stamp into Brazil)
  • a photocopy is also required of the front of a valid credit card in your name to show you have sufficient funds to remain in Brazil.
  • Take all the photocopies together with the receipt for your visa extension fee to a branch of the Policia Federal that deals with passports and apply for the extension. A list of offices which do this can be found on the same website above, the service is often listed as “foreign passports”.
  • Apart from the physical visit to the office you can complete the other steps well in advance but the physical application can only be done when you have 25 days or less remaining on your original visa period.

Vehicle Temporary Import (TIP)

This is easily obtained upon your entry into Brazil as part of the normal border process. When extending our visa we were informed that no further action is required for the TIP as it is automatically linked to the valid visa period.