Captain(s) Log: February 2021

1 February:  A lovely short day of travelling which gave us plenty of time to wander off the main track and explore spots we may have just driven past like Nature’s Valley and Keeurbooms strand.  And then to arrive at Diepwalle deep in the Knysna forests and be blown away in AWE.  Just an awesome day!

4 February:  Life is so much rosier when your foot is not too sore and the skin not sensitive to the sun.  The doxycycline antibiotic makes me so sun sensitive and I got nailed with sunburn on toes, fingers etc which then sting like crazy when exposed to the sun PLUS the hole in my foot from the tickbite has been getting bigger and constantly painful BUT this morning finally feel like on the mend.  Holding thumbs that this is the case.

6 February:  Had a great day yesterday meeting Diane & Alan, combined with an awesome lunch in Struisbaai and a braai at their place afterwards.

7 February:  Tania birthday and sadly her chance to be sick, this time with what seems like a really bad stomach bug.

10 February:  Stomach bug still not totally gone and feeling very irritated by it plus being irritated by old men, first the campsite owner who insists on mowing right around us but doesn’t say anything just kinda imposes as he goes about his mowing and then an old man camping, who keeps slowing circling around and around Mr Jones, if he has asked us once what site number we are and when we are leaving he has asked us a dozen times!  Yeah we get it we have a nice site (and it’s only by fluke as it was the only one available when we arrived on the weekend) but we are here for now..

14 February: What a great end to a very good day!  Started with some divine carrot cake from our neighbours (who we had shared our watermelon with yesterday) and ended with probably the best roast we have done in Mr Jones, a rump of lamb with slightly charred carrots, potatoes and gravy.  Add in a spoil bottle of Shiraz and it must be Valentine’s Day.

15 February:  I really thought we had solved the fuel starvation/vacuum issue! We have not had an issue since leaving Natal in December until today, FFS!

18 February: Not having a good run with health lately (Tania), been suffering since 11 Feb with a strained/pulled muscle or something between the ribs from mucking around on the SUP and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.  Makes climbing in and out of Mr J or up to the bed a painful experience.

20 February: Surfing on the West Coast, man is the water cold, you get an ice cream headache just from dipping your toes in !!  Very glad for the wetsuit bought in Cape Town just after the first lockdown but fingers and toes still take strain so can only spend a brief time in the water, nonetheless still had some fun and caught a few waves.   There is however no risk of Tania having to spend a month in one place like happened on the wild coast…

25 February:  After a great few days camped at Tietesbaai we needed to move spots because it was supposedly going to get busy over the weekend which we couldn’t understand based on discussions with those that were here last weekend.  Turns out this weekend normally hosts “Jazz on the Rocks” high is a large festival but Covid has stuffed that one up.  We have also been baffled with the weather lately as it has been less than friendly which shouldn’t be the case, the one lady told us in 11 years coming to the festival she has never had wind – tonight we have 70km/h winds!!   We are sitting  and cooking inside while Mr Jones rocks to the winds and not a Jazz festival28 February:  Been a fantastic weekend with finally some good weather and equally good company.  Mr Jones received his first off

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