Practical Info: Rwanda

As of January 2020:

Entry into Rwanda (Cyanika Border post with Uganda)

  • Almost all countries require a visa to enter Rwanda (USD50).  The visa can be obtained at the border upon arrival or alternatively via an eVisa process. If your citizenship also requires you to have a visa for Uganda and Kenya then an East Africa tourist visa will be worthwhile obtaining (USD100) which allows multiple entries per country.
  • Road Access fee/tax: Nothing payable for Rwanda. 
  • 3rd party insurance: Can be purchased for just 2 weeks or a month. 2 weeks cost USD25 and a month would be USD40. Slightly cheaper if you have Rwandan `Francs.

Speed Limits 

The speed limits in villages is 50km/h and 80km/h on the main roads.  We often struggled to tell when the limits started or ended however as the markings are not clear but on the plus side while there is a heavy police presence throughout the country they are more about visible policing than trying to catch you out.  We saw 2 manned radar points and fortunately both times must have been within the speed limit.   

Due to the hilly environment and twisty roads we in general probably only averaged 50km/h throughout the country.

Cellphone data and access to Social Media

To obtain a SIM card you are required to go through the RICA process so make sure to have your passport with you.  We obtained our SIM at an MtN service centre in Kigali, in general it is not possible to purchase it with street side vendors.  The process was quite quick however.


For a change we did not pay any additional charges for cash withdrawals.  Credit cards are readily accepted around Kigali including at the Engen fuel stations.