Practical Information: Peru

Cellphones & Data

Sim cards need to be registered before use, as a tourist this requires going to a cellphone network provider shop and presenting your passport. It is a simple but time consuming process.

We chose Entel as the service provider because in Chile we had been able to purchase data online via the app with them, however in Peru this has not been possible. In general though it has still been a relatively easy process of just going into a small kiosk or supermercado to make the recharge.

3rd Party vehicle insurance

3rd party insurance is mandatory in Peru. In general Mercosur policies do not cover Peru, in fact we only know of one case where someone had successfully extended their policy to cover Peru.

Peru has SOAT as the 3rd party insurance and this was easily purchased not long after crossing the border for a cost of only PEN25 for 6 months cover.